Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Lessons from the fundamentals of life.

Feeling a little lousy today and yesterday and the day before... the time of the month I guess? =P

Now that I am home, I feel like turning on the A/C and snooze but then my mind is so busy that I cannot rest. My cousin Shaun was saying that we should invent an "energy" remover so that can we would be able to sleep when we need to.

I feel the need to compartmentalize my life - like cells. You know, there are different compartments called organelles like the nucleus, mitochondrion, peroxisome, endoplasmic reticulum and so on. Different reactions are contained in their own specific organelles, so their effects will not influence the environment in other parts of the cell. Likewise with my life, things that happen in one relationship should not affect other relationships. Damn, I want to be a cell.

Okay. The day is still young. Make the best of the rest of the day.


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