Emotions are scary... they give me panic attacks. Had to leave the library early tonight for I couldn't sit there anymore and I might just go mad. Feeling better now. Thanks to Jac, Jo, Barry, Philo and Dwi for their encouragements throughout the day. =) Dear Lord, please don't let me lose focus on why I'm studying. I don't want to be an ugly person. May my heart always be filled with love although I'm pretty exhausted... grin.. okay time to bathe and wind down.
Oh yes, I've been bespectacled for like the longest time since I started wearing contacts. It's almost close to 2 weeks!!!!! man... I feel quite erm.. ugly but it doesn't bother me as much as last time. I have found friends who love me as I am, and not caring about being cool and stuff. My family and relatives have already loved me regardless of my microscopic eyes. *blink blink*
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