I just had a very weird telephone conversation. At least that phone conversation reminded me of the state that I am in. Don't delude yourself Mich. Damn I need to get this out of my system before I embark on work.
I have achieved something this semester. I have become stronger and more independent. I was responsible and I didn't screw people up. It gets tiring at times but I know I have to do this and it is right in the eyes of God. I just hope that I don't falter and succumb to temptation. My mom believes in fate... if two people are meant to be together, they will be... but we shouldn't force fate. How do I know whether we're meant to be? I guess when the time is right to know, you'll just know, and everything will seem so right and fall into place. I do wonder when that time will come when I am so sure of what path to take. May I stick faithful to You. You have shown me through this semester... may I not stray.
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