Sunday, March 05, 2006


Sleep was good (I could have slept LONGER if not for a phone call which no one answered!!!!!). For the life of me, I couldn't get enough sleep for the whole week! Gosh I was tired. Really tired. This week has been a high to the point of delirium (pushes your energy to the limits) but it kinda ended up in a low. :( Well, a low simply cannot cancel all the high points of the week, can it? It's simply irrational. But you know, the heart is a funny thing, it only sees the recent.

Today is family day. I want to smile and be happy for I've only one day with them before I head back to school but it takes effort to do so with a slightly heavy heart. Remedy anyone?

Give me some salve to soothe my palpitating heart.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA, better comment to show that I am still reading yr blog even though I went MIA for a while.

Did I tell you that I went back and got myself a pair of specs? The grey and orange one of course!!

I mean it's perfectly fine to feel low sometimes but it will not be good to let that prevent you from spending quality time with the family. Guess it's just another short-lived feeling... so just let it go... :)

5/3/06 8:39 pm  

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