Supper and random musings
This is what I had for supper 2 nights ago...
Chocolate milk with 2 packets of honey stars for supper:

Not to mention half an apple. >.< Ugh... stomach felt weird yesterday. Man, need to invest in a CAN OPENER... to increase the range of potential food to eat.
Crazy things that people do will be embedded in memories. =)
Was pleasantly wished first today at 1 am. *^^*
Yesterday, or this morning rather, I was on a coffee high - at late 2am my brain was still absorbing... sick sick sick! Jac, Clarabelle and Monika were mugging till like 1 plus before they left YIH? Exams are looming... will focus and do my best. I really hope I can do my best without going crazily stressed and depressed and such. Please help me focus! Discipline Mich... discipline.
Anyways, to all who are mugging... keep your strength up!
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