Monday, November 07, 2005


LSM2104 deadline HAS BEEN EXTENDED!!! YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!! I'll go mad with joy. *^^* HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY!!!!!! Yay, now can look at LSM2103 till wednesday. =))))

I had an unexpected phone porridge session with SM last night. Haven't had it for a long while already but it's great catching up and listening to his stuff and vomitting my shit out as well too. Think I should invest in a good pair of nokia earphones... the radiation I get from the phone is so hot on my ears. >.< I'm actually not a phone person but with close friends, talking over the phone is certainly a mood uplifter. =) It's a beautiful morning... so nice to sleep but I'm up and ready to jump out of bed and make this a fruitful day! Givr thanks to God for this wonderful morning. All righty, cheers to another day of wonderful mugging with wonderful friends cum moral supporters cum cheerleaders!



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