Sunday, April 09, 2006

Deal with it!

Shit. The damn stress is making me go nuts.
I don't understand my feelings sometimes.
They are just so RETARDED! ARgh.

Why can't I verbalise my thoughts and feelings?
Why do I have to keep beating round the bush?
UGh, can't stand myself sometimes.

Stress makes me a very ugly person.
This semester I'll try to cope with it.
Please let me be mature and control my own stress.

It's SO not nice to miss a person, worrying about not being caring enough for others and being stressed thinking about work at the same time. I'm overbearing on self-blame. Oh man this is so unhealthy I don't even know what I am ranting about. And this is so stupid! Like I'm creating my own problems can. ARGH!!!! Stop this madness already... stopstopstopstop.

I'm SO retarded tonight. I can't help but laugh at myself.

Oh bring it on. Time to shove fats up my brain.



Blogger Talion said...

Hey aunt =D U aim better then won't miss so much loh. Cheer up k. Control is a funny thing, if u over control things tend to become really big when u lose it. Coping with stress isn't controlling it, it's accepting the fact it's there and having a constructive outlet for it. Blogging is one =D Exercise another, so on and so forth. Just take care and stay well yeah :)

10/4/06 5:46 am  
Blogger Michelle said...

hey neph!!

WAh.. thanks for your comments even though you are far far far away in maple country!! :)

11/4/06 8:55 am  

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