Sunday, May 29, 2005


I guess I haven't totally forgiven myself. Why do I freeze? Why do I cower in fear? It is because I am laden with guilt. I hope I have the strength to digest the harsh words and humbly accept them. Yes it hurts but I know I am strong enough. I can do this. I have to do this for it is the least I should do. Grant me the grace to continue this. I really feel like running away and take the easy way out. But I know that is not right. I shall try.



Blogger taiwanite said...

"I can do all things
Through Christ who gives me strength
But sometimes I wonder
What He can do through me?"

Sound familiar?
Heh just wanna say that after sci retreat I can sense that you've really grown sinceIi first knew ya.

You rock, Mich. ^o^

29/5/05 3:01 am  
Blogger Michelle said...


Thank you so much for the encouragement... during one of the sharings you mentioned a verse... it made an impact on me. :)

Thank you.

29/5/05 10:22 pm  
Blogger taiwanite said...

Proverbs 3:5-6? :D

One of my fav verses; will tell u bout the story one of these days!

30/5/05 1:05 am  

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