Hominophobic - fear of the opposite gender
Philophobic - fear of love
I learnt those terms from a friend of mine. *grin*
I wonder how does a person know when he/she is actually
emotionally ready for a relationship? Not just casual flings but a serious "looking for a life partner" kind of relationship. Because if you're not emotionally ready, you'll only end up hurting yourself, and worse still, others.
I get depressed whenever I think about this. I guess they are my own demons.
Courtship is like a two-choice gamble. There are some who weigh the odds and gamble according to the most probable choice to minimise hurt for if the odds are against you and there's a high chance that your courtship may fail, why bother trying when you probably would end up failing and getting hurt?
There are others I've learnt, who take such a scenario differently. Even though the odds may be against them, they will still prefer to do their best, thereby allowing their feelings to be vulnerable, so that they will have no regrets even if they get burnt in the end. People may think they are foolish for it is akin to walking straight into unecessary heartache. However, these foolish people would counter-argue, saying
hey, the odds may change in the future! Who know what the future holds anyway? If that person chooses someone over me, at least I know I've tried my best and I will have no regrets, rather than spending the rest of my life immersed in 'what ifs'. There is a driving force which makes these people so courageous - they believe that the person whom they are chasing is
worth the gamble.
I'm amazed that in this world where science and logic dominate, such passion and 'foolish' courage still exist which make life worth living for.